The company history of HÜNI+CO

From 1859 until today
Zwei antike Fotos der Lederfabrik Hüni in Friedrichshafen
Foundation of „Hüni & Cie.“ by Hans Heinrich Hüni as a leather factory in Friedrichshafen. At that time the company was on the outskirts of the city of Friedrichshafen, which had only 2.599 residents.
At that time, electric light in Friedrichshafen was only available to the state railway of Württemberg, the royal postal administration and the royal customs office.
Ein schwarz-weiß Foto von einem Mann der Leder gerbt
In World War I the leather industry is experiencing an upswing by the promotion of the production of technical leathers through the German Wehrmacht.
Eine historisches Schreiben von HÜNI+CO
The global economic crisis also affected the company badly.
Karte zum 75-jährigen Jubiläum von HÜNI+CO
75 years HÜNI + CO
Schwarz-weiß Foto von Otto P.W. Hüni
Otto P.W. Hüni takes the management of HÜNI + CO.
Der zerstörte Firmensitz von HÜNI+CO im Jahr 1944
In World War II the company was heavily damaged and almost came to a standstill.
Schild zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum von Hüni Leder
100 years HÜNI + CO
Ein Geschäftsbrief von HÜNI+CO aus dem Jahr 1965
After 106 years the leather production at HÜNI + CO is being closed. Machines and technical facilities are sold abroad and the employees are being retrained towards plastic coatings. Until now HÜNI + CO is successfully operating in this sector.
Peter Hüni in seinem Büro
Peter Hüni takes the management of HÜNI + CO after his father’s sudden death.
Ein Gabelstapler fährt über das Firmengelände von HÜNI+CO
HÜNI + CO further expands the field of tank container coatings and becomes Europe’s leading coating company for this niche product.
Grafik zum 150-jährigen Jubiläum von HÜNI+CO
150 years HÜNI + CO
Alexa Hüni joins the management board with regard to the business succession.
Der Firmensitz von HÜNI+CO in Friedrichshsafen
Today HÜNI + CO employs around 60 employees from more than ten different nations at the headquarters in Friedrichshafen. The export share is around 35%. For 160 years the company is owned and managed by the family Hüni.